Our Review: There is nothing more important than keeping the faith – especially for the MormonBoyz. These religious men go to great lengths to please the powers above, and their elders aka leaders get all the benefits. Home to the best gay religious sexual encounter, MissionaryBoys.com is a long-time fan favorite website. Loaded with enough new material to last a lifetime, this is a premium video website you’ll want to have access to. Previously known as MormonBoyz.com, this gay website takes you into a fantasy space between elders, boys, and more. You won’t believe what happens to these boys behind closed doors before they can even get their undies off!

From one of our stories: Elder Hansen hasn’t been a missionary for very long, but the guy already misses the freedom and the comfort of his home. The handsome Elder Hansen has always been a little nerdy, and fitting in with the other missionaries has proven difficult for the little man. Whenever they chat about sports or their girlfriends back home, Elder Hansen tends to fall quiet… Come and check what is behind his silence!

In addition to his homesickness, the young guy has been struggling with secret sexual attraction to the other men on the mission. The first time Elder Hansen saw his companion, Elder Jones, naked — he thought he was going to have a heart attack. Elder Hansen couldn’t believe how huge the man’s cock is! And the older men who lead the missionaries — he’s so physically and mentally aroused by these guys that he can barely make eye contact. Elder Hansen has decided to touch out his mission, and see what his priesthood leaders have in store.

The problem of homosexuality and the ethical judgment of homosexual acts has become more and more the subject of public debate, even in Catholic circles. In this discussion, arguments are frequently put forward and positions are expressed that are not in conformity with the teaching of the Catholic Church, which gives rise to just concern among all those engaged in pastoral ministry. Consequently, this Congregation has considered the problem so serious and widespread that it justifies the present Letter, addressed to all the Bishops of the Catholic Church, on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons.

Pope has shown himself in favor of civil laws to defend the rights of homosexuals but not of “marriage,” which for the Church is the union between a man and a woman, he said at the press conference.
“I have spoken clearly about this. Marriage is a sacrament of the Church and cannot be changed, but there are laws that try to help the situation of so many people of different sexual orientations and this is important. Let them be helped, but without imposing things on the Church that by its nature cannot be imposed”, the pope clarified.
The Pope stressed that “if (a homosexual couple) wants to live a life together, the States have the possibility of civilly supporting them, with the issue of health or inheritance”.
“They are brothers and sisters and we have to accompany them. But marriage is clear,” he added.